Stories + Adventures

Ky Delaney | The Best Travel Writing

Paddling with Marigolds

Paddling with Marigolds appears in The Best Travel Writing anthology, and is about confronting death while whitewater kayaking in Nepal.

Ky Delaney | Blue Ridge Outdoors

Blue Ridge Outdoors Articles

I have contributed feature articles for the print edition, and written a column for the website titled “Mountain Mama.” My author page can be found here.

Ky Delaney | Panorama The Journal of Intelligent Travel

Becoming Pirate Mama: Rethinking Life As A Single Mom

Through the pages of pirate books, an unlikely fairy godmother, a female pirate from the 1700s, inspired me to stop feeling stuck in my life as a single mom and chase my girlhood dreams of sailing. This piece takes place on the water, after I’ve set sail with my four-year old son an all-female Crew. You can read it here.

Ky Delaney | Places Like Home

Could a Dating Coach Help a Tiger Find Her Elephant?

Ariel Gore’s new anthology, Places Like Home, includes my short story: Could a Dating Coach Help a Tiger Find Her Elephant?

Projects in Progress


AFLOAT is my memoir about sailing in the Caribbean with my four-year-old son and an all female crew. AFLOAT captures the joy and difficulty of taking the helm with a child, a journey about the bond between a mom and her son. I am currently seeking representation.

March 2020 Sailing from Easter Island to Tahiti

This spring I’ll be joining an all-female sailing voyage to sail from Easter Island to Tahiti to advocate for the ocean’s health. Along the way, we’ll be collecting water samples and participating in scientific research about plastic pollution. The crew consists of women from around the globe coming together to explore solutions to consumerism and single-use plastics. You can find out more about the mission of eXXpedition and their research on plastics and toxins here.